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Her pleasure, our sin.
I, Andre, love to offer pleasure. In this video, it’s definitely a POV moment from my perspective of Lynn’s pleasure. This was a first for us- using a handheld camera while offering and experiencing each others’ bodies. But that is beside the point. I love pleasuring Lynn. I also love being apart of Lynn’s pleasure too, and that doesn’t always mean that I am the one doing the primary pleasing.
This video is more of a teamwork kind of situation. One where the vibe and I work together in stimulating the skin and Lynn’s clit. More of an all over kind of stimulation situation. Between the womanizer vibe that she was using and my touch, I don’t think we could loose. Watch and find out.
The joys of sex over time.
Sex is something that only gets perfected through practice with a specific partner. Each partner is different and the capability of that partner’s taste to change over time is guaranteed to happen. One of the best parts of making these videos is seeing how our sex lives have changed over time.
A major counterpoint to our Christian lives has been this exploratory sexpostive life. Sex has been a part of our lives since we were married, and it’s been changing and adapting in small and large ways. It has taken friends, doctors, and new belief systems to undo some of our mindsets that have allowed us to shamelessly explore and enjoy our human bodies.
The repressed side of our lives.
If you didn’t know, we used to be very very evangelical Christian. Fully sold out and on fire for Jesus. With lives that were raised in the church, practiced through formal education, and delivered as 10 years of full time ministers of the gospel, one of our engrained Christian no-nos before marriage was allowing her pleasure to be created through an outside masturbatory source that included included hands, let alone a device that could offer stimulations. I should be the master of the household, and the gatekeeper of her orgasms. Also, my own masturbation was off limits prior to being married. The quantity of guilt and shame that I had for having my own orgasms before our marriage had me at the church alter on a weekly basis repenting and asking God to take away my ailment. This was the engrained sexual oppression that I am still undoing to this day.
Orgasms can be sin. They are the means of control by the enemy.
Orgasms and pleasure outside of these basic religious guidelines to sex is a sin. Something that is never really spoken about, but always implied. And when it gets ousted by someone, it becomes a subject that gets publicly named and pointed out to the rest of the community. This could be used as a perfect example for a fiery message about the dangers of a perverting the purity of sex and the way God intended sex to be. I can’t tell you how many youth group services and trips I went on where they split us up into girls and guys to give us the talk about these basic functions of our human bodies, and how we needed to keep ourselves righteous and clean in the eyes of God and our community.
In contrast to it being something natural and beautiful, it was presented as a way that the enemy or the world has subversively taken control of a sacred part of your life and is using it to destroy your marriage or your future marriage and your relationship with God. We can talk about the dangers, but we will never speak of how God meant sex to be. Sex was simply to never to be done outside of marriage which was a sacrament and highly emphasized as a means of procreating more Christians.
The idea of sex in our marriage wasn’t really talked to us with our marriage counselor from the church. Just that, “what you two do in bed together is sacred and let that be for you two only.” Funny how the “God is always watching” statement really impacts the way you feel about sex. Nothing like an unwanted voyeur being involved without consent. I had constantly felt the shame of God seeing me masturbate growing up, now I have to deal with him watching me have sex too?
Something so wrong is now right?
What is also not spoken about is how we were brought up to be taught that our bodies were sinful and shameful. Sexual purity was the highest form of Godliness. Masturbation reduced your purity. Sex with someone before marriage… ruined your purity. This purity was re-established through some form of redemption by repentance, confessions, and ultimately, made right by marriage. The sad part… that marriage would never be what it could have been if both people were truly virgins when they were united in Holy Matrimony before the Lord and their community. I was an overachiever… I wanted all the purity XP growing up for my marriage. I wanted to be seen as God’s beloved pure tool to advanced His Kingdom. My virgin power was going to escalate me past all my tainted friends and sinners. (I say this in jest now, but it has taken me almost a decade and still am working on mentally forgiving myself for having this way of thought.)
Then when you do get married, it’s magically safe to have guilt-free sex. Lynn and I were “virgins” when we were married to each other. We did not engage in intercourse before we were married. I hadn’t even seen Lynn naked prior to our wedding night.
Sex, something that was programmed as being filthy and destructive the majority of our lives, was suddenly ok. This doesn’t go well for the brain or the body. This actual programming is something that has nearly destroyed Lynn and I’s sex life and our own individual sexualities. The quantity of guilt and shame experienced even after marriage, effected our totally natural physical desire for each other, turned sex into a utility to prevent infidelity, and ultimately brought about a wedge between our relationship where we thought one of us was broken. This shit Christian and religious programming doesn’t go away with a ceremony.
Now I’m not God, and I don’t believe in God, but I would have a hard time believing that any God would want something so beautiful as the perpetuation of the divine being itself (we are all made in the image of God) made into something dirty. I mean the Christian God did have a threesome with itself, The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit perpetuating the creation of humanity and all of existence as the by-product of this threesome.
Sex is private!
Sex is private and only for the married couple. To share any form of the sacred act is a sin, so when we started sharing our sex socially through MakeLoveNotPorn, we were in the process of removing ourself from our repression. This deconstruction of faith and the power of religion held in our sex life is still happening, almost 8 years after leaving the church. It’s not something easy to shake. It’s not something easy to reprogram. Fortunately for Lynn and I, we happened to walk this path hand in hand. The leaving the faith and exploring our sexuality through social media happened at the same time. Not a lot of couples are fortunate to have these two occurrences happen at the same time.
Enjoy our freedom.
Enjoy our freedom with us. We are here to share not just the visuals of our sex life, but also the backgrounds behind the pictures and the films. This wasn’t our first time using a vibrator, and it won’t be the last. There is so much more to all of this than just an orgasm. It’s a beautiful change of programming for us and we are inviting you to share in the beauty of this thing we call sex.
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