
New York City Inspiration: Recharging Amidst Hectic Lives

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Amidst our non-stop work and chaotic schedules, we finally took a well-deserved break and immersed ourselves in the vibrant energy of NYC. This trip infused us with a renewed sense of inspiration to fuel our journey ahead. Join us as we open up and share our personal experiences of finding inspiration in the heart of the Big Apple. We haven’t shared like this in a while, but both of us are going to share some about our New York City inspiration.

What was going on before this trip?

Andre: Sheesh… I have been so busy with work, not just regular 9-5 stuffs, but literally being gone or away for more than half the year. I was feeling a sense of being burned out in all aspects of my life. One of the side effects of this, zero inspiration to take any time with Lynn to set up a camera. I felt like that was work in itself, and Lynn and I were just trying to enjoy our precious time without the hassle of setting things up.

Lynn: The pace of life with work for both of us has been intense, along with just trying to be social humans, while also being a family. Lots of being pulled in different directions at the same time and really feeling overwhelmed by everything.

Why New York City?

Andre: For me, New York City is inspiring while exuding a captivating charm and a spirit of adventure that can turn sensual and sexual in an instant. On a practical note, it was also one of the most affordable flight options within a two-week window of our desired departure dates. Also, NYC never truly sleeps. It offers an abundance of opportunities, around the clock, on every experience imaginable. This place is inspiring and that’s the beauty of New York City for me.

With few concrete plans in place, it’s easier to wander the city and make things happen compared to any other city in the US. We can simply walk anywhere without needing a car. There aren’t many other places in the US where we can experience that level of freedom, especially considering the limited time we had available and the unfeasibility of planning a trip to Europe.

Lynn: NYC holds a special place for us for our history as a couple and is such a romantic city. It is where Andre proposed to me over 20 years ago- in such a sweet and sentimental way- at the same place his dad proposed to his mom even more moons ago! So, NYC is always a natural choice for us to go!

One Highlight from the trip?

Andre: Ohh… this is fairly easy for me to answer. We managed to land last-minute tickets to a sex party called Chemistry. A very well-organized, safe feeling, high end, very clean, very social, sex party. For us, it was the opportunity to explore some sensuality and sexuality in a safe environment. Lynn and I have been going through a metamorphosis of who we are when it comes to our sexuality. We have always been interested in sensual things, but never really gave ourselves the permission to really open up, especially socially. This place was just for that and it was an absolute blast.

Lynn and Andre Dressed in sexy Dr.'s outfits. Stethoscope scrubs and leather.

Lynn: I loved going to The Museum of Sex! We walked passed it when we were on a family trip in December of last year, and I made a mental note to come back the next we were in the city as adults-only and it did not disappoint! It was educational, interesting and very entertaining. There was even a 4D experience that I laughed and giggled and screamed through, which made Andre laugh out loud. And what better way to end than with a shots out of penis -shaped shooter?!

What was it like meeting Cindy Gallop?

Lynn: I was starstruck for sure meeting Cindy. It was incredibly surreal- she is so kind and down to earth, even though I felt very aware of the fact that I was in the presence of someone who is changing the world through a sexual revolution! She is such an inspiration, and yet she made space for us in her very busy schedule- it is kind of beyond what I can get my brain around. Also, for one sentence, I have to say that her apartment and its views were breathtaking. I feel so special having gotten to spend time with her there in that very riveting space!

We got to share more of our story with her and getting the opportunity to thank her in person for the influence she and MakeLoveNotPorn have in our lives was a moment that was powerful and beautiful. I feel marked by our time with her and feel very grateful.

Andre: I had previously met Cindy on a prior solo trip to NYC so the initial factor of being starstruck wasn’t there for me like it was the first time. However, this time around, we had a one on one meeting with Cindy. This essentially allowed us to hear some of the personal struggles in running and starting MakeLoveNotPorn. So many hurdles in trying to start a sexpositive website, from hosting, coding, payment transfers, and the list goes on and on. She is fierce and doesn’t take shit from anyone. And most of all she does not take No as an answer to what she is pushing for. I left that meeting with her feeling inspired to create and push ourselves even more. If Cindy can do it, so can I.

Andre and Lynn in New York City visiting their inspiration Cindy Gallop at her home.

Did making a video feel different this time?

Lynn: For me, there was such fresh inspiration from our time with Cindy, that it did feel different. It felt whimsical from being in this truly beautiful and sexy city. It also felt a bit more free- perhaps from having such a lovely chat with Cindy about all that we have left behind being at the forefront of my mind, or perhaps from being in a place where time was truly ours, without the other responsibilities from regular life- the end result was that there was a lot of good headspace for me and I wanted to capture and document the moment and I am glad we did!

Andre: Lynn was fired and inspired and feeling frisky. I couldn’t turn her away and she wanted to make another video. Fortunately, I always carry a variety of cameras when we travel. I can’t help it, it’s in my profession so I always travel with some sort of capture device. We had just come from such a couple of days spending high amounts of quality time and the end result was we had a lot of sex and then we had more. So why not record the more, that’s exactly what we did.

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