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Sex can be fun! Sex can be experimental! Sex can sometimes not work out when a camera is around!
Sometimes you have to try some new things. Sometimes I just want to shoot a new style or work out a new camera angle. Not always the most sexiest of foreplay conversations. The reality is, that I love the set up process. I love the creativity that goes into it. What I know could potentially look cool, could also potentially look really bad when it comes to the edit.
I had just gotten new lights for work and we have been using them as back ground fillers on commercial sets. So it was just obvious for me that I was going to have to use these new lights for our next MakeLoveNotPorn video. What I also know, anytime I do a set up like this, the natural side of our sex life kind of goes away, I mean we do not live our lives lit up in pink. But hey, I thought it was a fun. I also know that this really puts a lot of pressure on Lynn to perform, which is exactly what I don’t want us doing… performing for the camera.
We had not made a video in awhile and during the pandemic, I just wasn’t really in the mood. But Andre’s excitement, our new studio space and the thought of being bathed in pink sounded fun and worth the effort. Andre set everything up and I was excited but nervous to jump back in- at the least, a good orgasm could be expected for perhaps both of us, and maybe we could also capture something worth sharing. I ended up being distracted by so many things that we had to restart our time together- but it ended up being a lovely orgasm, with one of my favorite ways to come- being fingered. It felt good to explore again and enjoy each other, capturing our time together.
I definitely felt your nervousness and I could tell when the switch flipped off for you. We may had been bathed in pink, but the mood was dark and cold. I knew that I had to change the situation, so I just changed our pace. I figured that the picking up the photo camera would change the pace for us. A couple snaps into it and the tension of performing drifted away as we flirted with the camera. It’s nice that a simple thing like a different kind of camera could totally change the mood of situation.

Sex in Pink Trailer
Sex In Pink Full Video
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