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Sometimes you go on a trip to Vegas for your birthday and you just get very spoiled and extremely pampered with copious amounts of pleasure. I am not sure that I will have another birthday party of this caliber. Future birthday goals will be to try and top this birthday. I expect a couple recovery years before the next major event.
This was a big Vegas birthday for me as I was turning the ever-so-wise and beautiful age of 40.
Lynn had planned a wonderful trip for me to Las Vegas with some of my closest friends. We ate some of the best food, we played and learned how to play some table games, and we danced the night away at our own VIP table. It was a trip to remember.
When the weekend was over, there was a bonus trip to Palm Springs for our recovery from that crazy weekend of constant movement, partying, and almost zero sleep. We had tucked ourselves into a luxury boutique spot that was exuding sexiness with its cabanas, poolside drinks, and lounging all day.
When it came to some sexy time, the time got real sexy.
This time around, Lynn was pulling out out the birthday pleasures for me. She even put on some of Cindy Gallop’s Boss Bitch Make Love Not Porn red lipstick to spread around in other places. You can imagine or view them… Enjoy these birthday delights like I have.
Part of the reason we record and shoot video is not just about providing content for this blog, but also creating a positive representation of sexual interaction between two consenting adults. We knew that this video Vegas Birthday Pleasure would be something we would share when we made it. We share here and on the website, If you like our videos, can watch more there or watch more of our sexpositive videos here.
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