Free Gallery 11 pics : Gallery 31 pics
We went to Vegas. We needed some time to celebrate some of our milestones in life and some of our greatest friendships.
The bonus of Vegas, a camera comes with us and it’s time to take sexy pictures in a sexy room.
Sometimes my Andre Peña photography skills and pics are living over here now. Which is totally cool for me. If anyone is interested in having their pictures taken, take a look at to inquire.
When you spend a solid week of being celebrated, it’s nice to feel at your sexiest. Lynn definitely had me turned on all week. Between the outfits, the sensuality, the dancing, the planned surprises, I was living on cloud 9 the whole weekend.
Pictures are a mark in time- in our bodies, in our relationship, and in who we are.
The beautiful part of taking pictures is that they become markers of time- markers of the good memories and the bad ones. They capture the moment in time that you can’t go back to, and there is something special about that.
This picture set captured a moment for me. This birthday marks a major milestone in my life. This morning was amplified by Lynn’s celebration and now looking back at these pictures as I sit in my studio, I feel a sense of nostalgia for the past and an excitement for what the future has to hold for us.
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